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Although it’s far more common to succumb to the doubt, disappointment, and drama that surround us, we’re here to remind you that another option is available to you: a life of balance and accomplishment, an experience of trust and ease, a feeling of being aligned with your purpose, and an ongoing awareness of the tremendous gift that is your life. #TheWellLife
“The Well Life is a powerful primer on living as we were intended to live — under grace, all systems go, and in love. A great platform for living deliberately and creating consciously.”
Briana and Peter are passionate creatives dedicated to helping others achieve clarity, productivity, and a life filled with blissful joy. Their work is a gift
Captivating and detailed, The Well Life offers a straightforward and vivid guide by providing a system that will bring individuals to their destination in life. The Well Life is an essential book for anyone who not only wishes to attain balance and happiness but to achieve the life of their dreams.
This book is terrific. It gives us a very wholistic approach that makes a lot of sense. Wellness has far more to it than just what we eat and the Bortens really delve into the juicy stuff that betters us and makes life beautiful. I highly recommend it
If you’re looking to break out of the excuses and experience more vitality than ever before—READ THIS BOOK! With their background in Eastern Medicine and love of Western strategy, Briana and Peter lay out a beautiful prescription for more ease, joy, balance and fulfillment in THE WELL LIFE. Quite frankly, if you put even just 5% of this book into practice, you’ll create incredible results!

Briana and Dr. Peter Borten have made it their mission to create a more peaceful world by helping individuals reestablish a sense of inner peace and balance. They are the founders of The Dragontree, a wellness organization with holistic spas in Portland and Boulder, online courses, natural body care products, and resources for vibrant living.
Peter, a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and certified Qi Gong instructor, has taught extensively and has authored hundreds of articles on psychological and physical health. Briana is a Certified Ayurvedic Specialist, peace engineer, and CEO of The Dragontree. She writes frequently on personal development and helps people achieve their dreams and live extraordinary, healthy lives.